For the first time in two years, in 2022, the USF Department of Art & Architecture’s BA thesis exhibition  was installed and on display in person at SOMArts in San Francisco.

Appropriately titled “Reconnecting…”, the exhibition  featured 34 graduating seniors from the departments of Design and Fine Arts in a dynamic and ambitious exhibition that included interactive installations, video, games, augmented reality, sculpture, painting, and much more. The exhibition collectively reflected their education at USF along with their experiences reconnecting in this pivotal time of change.


Exhibition organized by Professor Carrie Hott with additional support by Professor Sergio de la Torre, Luca Ameri, and Steve Rhyne

Website design by Emily Farrow, USF class of 2022, Design Major

Exhibition Documentation by Minoosh Zomorodinia

University of San Francisco Department of Art & Architecture

USF Design Program

USF Design Instagram