[ he/him ]


Design Major

I am an Australian-American tennis player and designer. Both design and tennis have always played a major role in my life and I want to use both to shape my future as it is very fulfilling being able to love what you do in and out of the classroom. As a creative, I love using art and design to visually convey my passions. I’m continuously working to combine my athletic and artistic lifestyles as a student athlete and hope to pursue a future that combines the two.

Mitch Match

Mitch Match is a sustainable clothing collection made from second hand materials. Each piece uses materials from multiple items of used apparel or other material to make one unique piece of clothing. The goal behind Mitch Match clothing is to help decrease the amount of new material that is created for the fashion needs of our society. Because of the enormous amounts of material that are discarded on a daily basis, landfills in less developed countries are overflowing, polluting, and spreading disease. Mitch Match aims to help put a dent in the amount of discarded clothing these clothing landfills receive to help the clothing catastrophe we’re facing due to the fashion industry. By eliminating the creation of new material and using what already exists instead, a new era of sustainable clothing can begin and aid in the preservation of our planet.