Emily Hernandez
Design Major
I am an SF based designer from Minnetonka, Minnesota, working
to reshape people’s pre-existing perceptions of the world through
meaningful and thought provoking designs. I specialize in branding, illustration, and publication design.

My femininity and womanhood are two things that Ihold dear to me. They are major parts of my identity. And while I do not let these things define me, I only have so much control over others doing so. Femininity has become something sexual, and society has normalized it. Thus, this piece works as a physical embodiment of my internal feelings in the face of leering eyes and inappropriate comments. The disconnectivity that sexual harassment creates between a woman’s body and mind is hard to explain in words. Smile For Me is a mixed media visualization of the feeling of wanting to rip off the parts of yourself being preyed upon, created using one of the most historically undervalued and underpaid types of labor, sewing. By making use of a practice widely regarded as being “women’s work,” Smile For Me works to reclaim agency and creative expression in a world that has traditionally undervalued and sexualized femininity. This piece consists of both textile work and illustration, which are blended together using ink and string.