[ she/her ]


Design Major

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Minor

Yolanda Faye is a Designer, Veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and a proud mother to three adults. Yolanda is a California native residing in San Francisco, but she has traveled the world with the U.S. Air Force and now, as a travel enthusiast, enjoys immersing herself in other cultures where she finds adventure, personal growth, and inspiration for her work. Yolanda has dedicated much of the past 30 years assisting other military families and veterans with the hardships of numerous deployments, military moves, and military sexual trauma. Yolanda identifies herself as a designer, rather than an artist, but these lines are blurred. This is because she doesn’t have a burning desire to create content but she does have a burning desire to fix things around her. All of her artwork is a response to her desire to fix things.


I created the interactive board game re:flect to memorialize media headlines and the government-mandated impact of COVID-19 on American society during the Coronavirus global pandemic from March 1, 2020 – to March 1, 2022. Using 3-D printed material, I chose game pieces representing aspects of societal struggle during the pandemic; a toilet paper roll to represent supply chain issues. A wine glass to represent the rise of alcoholism. And a laptop to represent living on our computers is a few examples. I used power tools, saws, and a laser cutter to create two puzzle boards, representing how confusing the conflicting headlines were to consume while sheltering in place for many in complete isolation. In contrast, others were consumed with humans working and going to school at home. Laser-cut logos of political parties, health organizations, and social media outlets represent how impactful these agencies were in our lives. Using media headlines, I created cards for gameplay to traverse the board in hopes that reading the headline and following the card’s direction would cause the player to re:flect on their personal experience with media headlines during this monumental era in world history.