Emma Schwartz (she/her)

I am a graphic designer and an elementary level educator, currently located in San Francisco, CA. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, daughter of an interior designer and a photo editor. I was always surrounded by artistic inspiration and support. City life has allowed me to grow up and appreciate the history around us.

L www.emmawschwartz.com
O Design & Education Major
R San Francisco, CA

To Taste

For my thesis, To Taste, I addressed the question: how can I document my family history? Coming from a big family, it is very important to me to have my history written down. After some thinking, I recognized that food was a very important part of my family. This inspired me to create a family cookbook. The cookbook features delicious traditional Polish dishes, accompanied by family favorites eaten at different holidays and family gatherings. The book also includes a family tree, and family photos surrounding the heritage of where I come from, and the generations that my family name will be carried by.

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