Nicole Belton (she/her)
I am a digital designer and abstract expressionist from Moscow, Russia. Being a student who was raised in Russia and then assimilated into an American educational system, my experience has molded me into being open minded and aware of diverse cultures and individuals. I create abstract paintings and digital graphics using a creative process that involves researching and defining original conceptual ideas.
Color Portal
Color Portal is a website designed to showcase the effects of color and perceptions tied to historical, psychological research. Activated portals guide visitors to galleries of photography, characteristics, and analyses communicating each color’s expression. I was driven to research the psychological factors behind colors to strengthen my understanding of color placement in fine art and design. As a visual artist, color is fundamental to my artistic and self expression. I felt it was integral to fuse my studies of fine art with design by utilizing models as my canvas for the main photoshoot. Painted models are posed reflecting characteristics of their color and are designed to reflect the emotional impact of color through their state of vulnerability. Visitors of Color Portal are immersed through striking visuals and cohesive analyses to construct a narrative for the communication of color.
View project website: Color Portal